Fried Spiced Dhal Balls (Vadi)

Fried Spiced Dhal Balls (Vadi)

1. In a pot put the split peas with the water, salt, chilli powder, ground cumin and turmeric. Bring to the boil, reduce the heat and simmer till the peas are just soft.

2. Remove from the heat drain the peas and allow to cool.

3. Set aside 3 tbsp of the cooked peas and process the rest in a blender.

4. Mix by hand the chillies, onion and the garlic into the processed peas.

5. With damp hands form the pea mixture into balls the size of a wallnut, pushing some of the reserved peas on to the outsides of the balls.

6. Heat some oil in a NON STICK pan, fry the balls till golden. Drain and kitchen paper.


