Frugal Gourmet'S Greek Lamb With Pasta

Frugal Gourmet'S Greek Lamb With Pasta

1. Bring pot of water to boil for pasta; cook pasta til soft.

2. Once the pasta is close to "al dente" - then heat a frying pan and saute the garlic in the oil.

3. As the pasta is finishing, add the cooked lamb to the hot garlic oil, saute for just a moment. I also added the leftover baby carrots (matchsticks) at this point.

4. Toss in the rosemary needles.

5. Drain the pasta, add a few shakes of olive oil.

6. Toss the pasta and meat mixture. Add cheese (if using, we chose to leave it out!) and parsley.

7. Serve immediately! And enjoy!

8. This would also work with beef, pork or chicken.


