Fruited Charlotte Russe

Fruited Charlotte Russe

1. Line a 9" spring form pan with ladyfingers. Start with the border first around the edge of the pan and slice off top ends so ladyfingers measure the height of the pan. Flip the ladyfingers around so the cut ends sit on the bottom of the pan and the rounded ends create a curved edging at the top.

2. Layer the ladyfingers in a single layer on the bottom of the pan, butting them snugly against the standing ladyfingers to help keep them vertical. You will have to trim the ladyfingers as needed to fit. Use trimmed edges to fill in any gaps.

3. In a saucepan, whisk together milk, gelatin, pudding mix, sugar and vanilla.

4. Cook over medium heat, stirring until mixture has the thick consistency of a custard sauce.

5. Scrape into bowl and set in cold water bath to cool. Stir occasionally until custard is tepid.

6. In a large bowl, beat whipping cream until fluffy (but not stiff).

7. Gradually beat in sour cream.

8. Fold in lemon zest and cooled custard mixture.

9. Stir in 1/2 of the berries.

10. Scrape into ladyfinger lined pan and spread evenly.

11. Cover loosely with plastic wrap.

12. Chill 2 hours until filling is firm enough to slice.

13. To serve, remove outer ring of pan. Place the remaining berries in the middle of charlotte and dust with icing sugar.


