Fruity Beef Tagine For The Tagine!

Fruity Beef Tagine For The Tagine!

1. Place onions in the tagine base with 1/2 tbsp olive oil and brown well over a high heat. Add the rest of the olive oil and the beef and cook until well browned and sealed all over. Add the garlic and cook for a further 30 seconds, before adding all the spices except the cinnamon sticks.

2. Make up the beef stock my mixing 1/2 pint of boiling water with 1 beef stock cube, honey and the cinnamon sticks - Maggi or Oxo work very well! Set aside.

3. Turn the heat down. Add the carrots, tomatoes, dates, prunes, raisins and stock, carefully mix together with wooden spoon and season to taste with salt and pepper.

4. Place lid over the tagine base and cook on a low heat for approx 4 1/2 hours. This may take a little longer or a little less cooking so check your tagine at around 3 hours of cooking to see how things are progressing.

5. The tagine will be ready when the beef is 'melting' and the sauce is thick and bursting with all the flavours.

6. Before serving, remove the cinnamon sticks and sprinkle the coriander over the top of the dish.

7. Serve the tagine in its base with fresh baked bread or steamed cous cous.


