Fry Bakes(Caribbean-Saint Lucia)

Fry Bakes(Caribbean-Saint Lucia)

1. Add all ingredients to the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with dough attachment, OR you can do this by hand.

2. Mix until a soft dough forms.

3. If you can stand to wait thirty minutes to an hour, let the dough rest and rise. If you can't wait, these bake up great even if you cook them right away. But they do become rather lovely little plump pillows once they do puff up.

4. Right before cooking, pat them down into relatively thin discs (about 1/4 inch thick).

5. Fry in a 1/4 inch of oil on both sides until puffy, browned, and cooked through. Try your heat set to medium and this should be about perfect. You might need to play around with your temperature to get it to cook through on the inside before the outside gets too dark.

6. Note:

7. You could eat them straightforward, or with a lot of icing sugar or you can put raisins, dried currants, little pieces of apple, etc. in the dough before frying for a nice variation.


