Gado Gado (Veggies With Peanut Sauce)

Gado Gado (Veggies With Peanut Sauce)

1. Prepare the veggies however you best like them. Steamed, fresh, parboiled, fried. Whatever you like. Cut everything to bite size. Any veggies are fine, above is just a list of ideas.

2. Heat the oil in a pan, add the onion and garlic and cook low for 8 minutes, stirring regularly.

3. Add the chili and shrimp paste and cook another minute. Remove from heat and add peanut butter. Stir until well mixed.

4. Return to heat and add coconut milk and water. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly.

5. Reduce the heat; add kecap manis and tomato sauce. Simmer another minute and allow to cool.

6. Arrange the vegetables on a plate and drizzle with the sauce. Leave most of the sauce in a bowl for dipping.


