Galette Au Beurre (Lyonnaise Style)

Galette Au Beurre (Lyonnaise Style)

1. Preheat the oven to 350º F / 180º Celsius.

2. In a large, microwave-safe bowl zap the butter until melted and gradually add the flour, mixing with each bit, until completely blended. Add the salt and blend well, then set aside.

3. In a separate bowl, beat the egg yolks. Put about 1 tablespoons aside for later. Mix the remainder of the egg yolk with the powdered sugar, and beat until the mixture starts to whiten slightly. You wouldn't think this is important, but it is. It doesn't need to bleach, it should just seem a little paler after a few minutes of beating.

4. Combine the two mixtures together and blend with a large wooden spoon. If it seems too crumbly or hard, moisten with the tiniest bit of water. Add the lemon zest.

5. In a buttered cake tin spread out the mixture with the palm of your hand, flattening the top as you go.

6. Using a knife or fork, trace a criss-cross pattern over the galette - just for decoration. :).

7. Finally, brush the egg yolk over the top of the galette to create that lovely golden look.

8. Bake for 45 minutes, remove from the oven. Serve fresh or cool.


