Garlic And Chilli Pickle

Garlic And Chilli Pickle

1. Peel and wash garlic cloves.

2. Clean and wash garlic greens/chive.

3. Destalk and wash green chillies.

4. Place garlic, chillies and chives in the sun, on a towel for a few hours, to dry out the water completely. Any leftover water will make the pickle go ‘off’ very quickly.

5. Place garlic, chillies and greens together in a food processor and let ‘er rip. They should not be too fine and retain a rough texture.

6. Add salt, oil and amchur powder. Mix well and spread out on a plate. Leave out on a sunny window sill for a few hours.

7. Transfer to a clean glass jar. Tie a piece of cloth/old handkerchief on top, using a rubber band.

8. Leave again on a sunny window sill, for a few hours more. Remove cloth and replace with a screw top lid.

9. This pickle will last for more than one year.


