Garlic Sauce

Garlic Sauce

1. Combine the chicken stock and garlic in a saucepan and bring to a boil over medium heat.

2. Cover and simmer for about 25 minutes, until garlic is soft.

3. Transfer to a food processor or blender and puree to a smooth consistency.

4. Reutrn the puree to the saucepan over low heat.

5. Whisk in the buttermilk and cook for 1 or 2 minutes, just until the mixture begins to bubble around the edges.

6. Remove from heat.

7. Whisk the cornstarch and water together in a small bowl and then whisk into the garlic sauce.

8. Return to heat and cook for 2 to 3 minutes longer, until the sauce thickens.

9. Serve hot.


