Gem Electric Neon Pasta

Gem Electric Neon Pasta

1. Place sausage in large covered fry pan/ skillet.

2. Fill with water so that water goes half way up the sides of the sausage.

3. Bring to boiling point cover and reduce to simmer.

4. Cook sausage until done, about 30 to 45 minutes depending on thickness of sausage.

5. Watch carefully and add water as needed.

6. Water tends to evaporate and leave grease from sausage behind.

7. This is OK If you catch it during the last few minutes of cooking.

8. (if you have melted grease left behind from the cooking sausage reserve it for the end of the recipe) Just be careful you don't burn it.

9. Dice the cooked sausage and set aside.

10. Cook pasta to desired tenderness per package directions.

11. Place cooked pasta in a very large past bowl and toss with the diced sausage.

12. In large frying pan/ skillet add a small amount of oil about 1/4 cup.

13. Fry the corn, pumpkin, and peppers until just tender.

14. Don't over cook or veggies will loose their bright colors.

15. Add garlic the last few minutes of frying veggies.

16. Garlic fries quickly and you don't want it to burn.

17. Season with salt to taste.

18. When veggies and garlic are done, turn heat down low and add the can of evaporated milk and the Asiago cheese to the veggies.

19. Cook stirring constantly just until the Asiago cheese melts.

20. If you have any grease reserved from cooking the sausage add it now.

21. If you used hot sausage, the reserved grease will have an orange tint and add color as well as flavor!

22. Don't worry if the sauce looks a little curdled, it will look fine once it's on the pasta.

23. As soon as cheese is melted in the milk and veggie mixture, immediately pour it over the pasta& sausage mixture and toss to coat well.

24. Serve immediately while nice and warm.


