German Nut Cake

German Nut Cake

1. Cream together the two cups of sugar, vanilla, margarine, and eggs.

2. Add the sour cream and blend well.

3. Add the dry ingredients (except the set aside ingredients).

4. Blend together well.

5. Prepare a bundt pan by coating it well with shortening and dusting the pan with the 3 tbs sugar and the 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon.

6. Pour the cake batter into the pan and poke the walnuts and cherries evenly as possible down into the cake batter to distribute these two ingredients evenly.

7. Or you can take your chances by adding them to the batter before pouring the batter into the bundt pan.

8. Bake in a hot oven at 350 degrees for 1 hour and 15 minutes.

9. Enjoy!


