German Potato Salad

German Potato Salad

1. Allow 1 hour cooling time at end of recipe!

2. Boil the potatoes in their skins for about 15 minutes, checking to ensure they are just done but not falling apart.

3. Meanwhile make the sauce by adding all the other ingredients together in a big mixing bowl.

4. When you taste the sauce it should be quite vinegary and salty - adjust to achieve this taste by adding more vinegar if too bland or more mayonnaise if too acidic. Remember: The potatoes will soak up most of the liquid, the salt and the vinegar.

5. Drain the potatoes and while still hot (use kitchen gloves) cut into half inch (1.5 cm) slices, peeling potatoes only if you used new potatoes or have a phobia about skins.

6. Add sufficient sauce to achieve a wet look, mix under and leave to cool.

7. Before serving taste again and add more sauce or adjust taste if needed.

8. Serve with Frankfurter Sausages, Beefburgers or serve with Bar-be-ques.


