German Tea Kipfel

German Tea Kipfel

1. Soften the yeast in the warm water in a large bowl.

2. Mixing until smooth, blend in the scalded lukewarm milk, sugar, salt, egg yolks, butter, and half of the flour. Mix in enough of the remaining flour to make a soft dough. Turn onto a lightly floured surface.

3. Knead until smooth and elastic, using additional flour if necessary. Put into a greased deep bowl; turn dough to bring greased surface to top. Cover; let rise in a warm place until doubled, about 1 hour.

4. Punch down; roll out dough into a rectangle 1/4 inch thick. Beat egg whites until stiff, not dry, peaks are formed. Spread HALF OF THE EGG WHITES on dough surface (reserve remaining half for topping). Sprinkle with a mixture of the raisins, 1/2 cup of the almonds, and the pineapple. Cut into 2 1/2 inch squares, then cut each square diagonally in half. Bring triangle corners to center; pinch to seal and place on greased baking sheets.

5. Top with a mixture of the reserved egg white and almonds, Cover; let rise again until very light, about 45 minutes.

6. Bake at 375°F 10 minutes or until lightly browned. About 4 dozen Kipfel.

7. TEA CREASCENTS: Follow recipe for Tea Kipfel. Divide dough into thirds. Roll out each piece into an 8 - inch round. Spread with a portion of the beaten egg white and filling mixture. Cut round into 12 wedges. Starting at wider edge, roll up and place with pointed edge down, 2 inches apart, on a greased baking sheet. Top and bake as directed. If desired, spread with a confectioners’ sugar glaze. About 3 dozen Crescents.

8. CAI The Canadian Family Cookbook.


