Get Sassy Seafood Skewers With Jerk And All The Perks!

Get Sassy Seafood Skewers With Jerk And All The Perks!

1. Place the prawns, scallops, pineapple chunks and red pepper into the marindae and leave in the fridge over night.

2. Soak 8 wooden skewers in water, or use metal skewers if available.

3. One hour before grilling and serving the skewers, make the salad - Place the melon balls into a large serving bowl and add the red onion, mint, mango chunks and fennel chunks - mix gently and leave in the fridge until needed.

4. Take 2 prawns, 1 (2) scallop/s, 4 chunks of red pepper and 2 chunks of pineapple, and skewer them in this order: red pepper, prawn, red pepper, pineapple, scallop, pineapple, red pepper, prawn and red pepper.

5. Brush with extra jerk marinade and grill for 3-5 minutes over hot coals turning all the time.

6. Serve the skewers on top the papaya boat with the minted fruit & vegetable salad salsa; yellow rice would be ideal accompaniment.


