Gigantic Jaffa Cake

Gigantic Jaffa Cake

1. Preheat oven to 350º F.

2. Cream together butter and sugar, and then add eggs, baking powder and flour.

3. Grease large frying pan. Make sure the pan has NO plastic bits or anything that might melt if it gets to 350º F, which it will (the pan is going in the oven in a moment!).

4. Pour mix in to pan, and put the whole shebang in the oven. Take it out when the middle is not liquidy (use a toothpick or cake tester; poke the cake all the way through, pull it out, and see if it's gooey. If it is, it's not done.) It'll take about 10-15 minutes. It rises quite a lot so be careful about overflow!

5. In the meantime, mix up the jello BUT use as much boiling water for BOTH packets as the packet says to use for ONE. It makes it a bit more solid. Add the juice of one orange, fresh-squeezed, to sort of compensate, and make it extra good. If you don't have oranges on hand, Tropicana or some from-concentrate stuff works okay too. Guess how much you get from a normal orange, and put that much inches.

6. Now put that jello mix in the largest plate you can find, or a non-stick frying pan (don't grease one; that's nasty!). You want a large PANCAKE of jello. Place in fridge and allow to set for however long that takes (less long than normal because you used less water and because the surface area is so high).

7. Now wriggle both the cake and the jello out of their containers, and put the cake on a large piece of waxed paper. Place the jello-slab on top of the cake, ideally in the middle.

8. Melt the chocolate however you normally melt it. Microwave might work. Allow chocolate to cool a bit, but not solidify.

9. Using a brush or spoon, begin to coat the whole thing in chocolate. Start at the outer edges; the jello tends to melt in the heat of the chocolate, and work towards the middle.

10. You can even do the Jaffa cake pattern: five parallel grooves, and five parallel ridges perpendicular to the grooves.


