Gluten Free Anzac Biscuits – Rolled Oat Cookies

Gluten Free Anzac Biscuits – Rolled Oat Cookies

1. In the large mixing bowl or mixer combine oats, sifted flour, coconut sugar and coconut.

2. In a small saucepan, combine the butter and maple syrup, and stir over a gentle heat until melted.

3. Mix the baking soda with the boiling water in small bowl and add it into the melted butter mixture.

4. Stir the butter mixture into the dry ingredients.

5. Lightly grease two oven trays.

6. Place tablespoons of the mixture onto the oven trays; allowing room for spreading.

7. Cook in a slow oven for 20 minutes at 150 C / 300 F.

8. Loosen while warm then cool on racks.


