Gluten-Free Dessert Crepes

Gluten-Free Dessert Crepes

1. 1) In a mixing bowl, combine the flour, salt, sugar and xanthan gum.

2. 2) In another, smaller bowl, beat together the milk and eggs and vanilla.

3. 3) Make a well in the flour mixture and pour in about half the liquid mixture. Blend well, then add the remaining liquid and stir till fairly smooth; a few lumps can remain.

4. 4) Stir in the butter. Cover and let sit for at least an hour.

5. 5) The best thing to cook crepes in is a 10-inch cast iron pan (or, for smaller crepes, the little crepe pan we sell in our catalogue). Heat the pan until it's medium-hot. Wipe the bottom of the pan with a bit of butter or oil(a paper towel works well).

6. 6) Pour a scant 1/3 cup of batter into the bottom of the pan, pick it up, and tip it in a circle so the batter covers the bottom of the pan. Cook until the bottom begins to brown and you can slide a spatula under it. It will hold together quite well, so you can flip it over easily.

7. 7) Cook briefly on the other side and place on a warm plate. Cover until the remaining batter is cooked. Fill with fruit and whipped cream, sweetened cream cheese and berries, or anything else from bananas and chocolate or caramel to ice cream and maple syrup.

8. Tips: In the mood for something savory? Just leave out the sugar and vanilla and you'll have a great canvas for a wonderful dinner entree.


