Goat Cheese And Hazelnut Tart

Goat Cheese And Hazelnut Tart

1. Oven to 7, 220°C or about 425°F.

2. Cut 6 rounds from the goat cheese logs to be used for decoration later.

3. If you don't like the otuter skin of the logs, get rid of it, I like it, I keep it.

4. Mash up the remaining cheese logs with a fork.

5. In a bowl, mix the eggs, milk, nuts and cheese.

6. Salt and pepper to taste.

7. Grease a tart pan or pie pan.

8. Prick the bottom with a fork and pour in the cheese preparation.

9. Decorate the top with the cheese circles you cut from the logs at the beginning.

10. Bake in the bottom part of the oven about 35 minutes or until done.


