Goreng Pisang With Rum-Infused Cream

Goreng Pisang With Rum-Infused Cream

1. mix flours together, and add in enough cold water to form a thick batter.

2. stir until smooth, then pour batter thourh a sieve to remove any lumps.

3. heat a wok with enough oil for deep-frying.

4. while the oil is heating, peeled and sliced the bananas diagonally into ovals.

5. coat them in the batter and deep-fry until they are golden. place on a kitchen paper to drain away excess oil.

6. use an electric mixer to whip up the cream in a bowl. halfway through beating, fold in the rum. whip cream till stiff peaks form.

7. place banana on plate, top with dollops of whipped cream and sieve over with a little cocoa powder. serve immediately.


