Gourmet Pizza

Gourmet Pizza

1. Lay a piece of parchment paper on top of the pizza stone and cut it to size. Remove parchment, place the stone in a unheated oven, and then preheat the oven to 450 degrees.

2. While oven is preheating, let pizza dough rest on counter for 20 minutes.

3. Remove the pizza dough from package and set on a floured surface. Using a floured rolling pin and floured hands, roll the dough out to the size of the parchment template.

4. Place the parchment on the back of a baking sheet, on a pizza tray, or on a peel. Sprinkle cornmeal on parchment, and lay the rolled out dough on the parchment. This may require an extra set of hands, as the dough will try to shrink up.

5. Spread 1/3 of the can of pizza sauce over the pizza, taking it close to the edge. Divide up the other 2/3s and freeze for future use.

6. Sprinkle black olives and artichoke pieces evenly over the sauce. Lay the mozzarella pieces all over the pizza. Arrange prosciutto slices so that they start from the center and go out to the edge of the pizza (like fan blades), allowing them to be seen between slices of mozzarella This will ensure they crisp up during baking.

7. Place roasted red peppers in any remaining spaces in the pizza topping. Drizzle extra virgin olive oil over the top and season with salt and pepper. (If you do not use fresh mozzarella, use less salt).

8. Grab the parchment and slide the pizza from the baking tray onto the hot pizza stone (leave parchment under pizza). Bake for 9 minutes at 450 degrees. Turn down to 425 and bake for 3 minutes. Turn down to 400 and bake for 2 more minutes.

9. Remove from oven and allow to rest on stone for a couple minutes. Grab the parchment and slide the pizza onto another surface for slicing. Slice six pieces so that each slice has a piece of prosciutto. Serve immediately.


