Grampy'S Zucchini Pie

Grampy'S Zucchini Pie

1. Partially boil zuchini in salted water until tender.

2. Drain cooked zuchini in collander to get rid of excess water.

3. When drained, mix zuchini with onion, basil, cheese, salt& pepper, and beaten eggs.

4. Separate pizza dough and roll into two separate pieces, one for the bottom crust and one for the top crust.

5. Preheat oven to 375 degrees, and grease 9 inch pie plate with olive oil.

6. Lay bottom crust into pie plate and fill with zuchini mixture.

7. Top with other piece of dough and seal edges.

8. Bake approximately one hour or until golden brown and when pie is pricked with a fork, the mixture inside is no longer wet.

9. May need a little more time depending on your oven.

10. I usually lay a couple of fresh whole basil leaves in the center of the pie for garnish, and then brush the top crust with beaten egg for a shiny, golden brown look!


