Grandma Byrd'S German Potato Salad

Grandma Byrd'S German Potato Salad

1. Cook potatoes in skins with 1 Tbs. salt & 1 Tbs. caraway seed until soft enough to stick a fork into, but still firm enough to be sliced and mixed up without becoming mushy. (Make sure the center is done.).

2. Drain and run cold water over potatoes until they're cool enough to hold. Potatoes must still be somewhat warm for flavors to blend.

3. Peel & slice potatoes into a large bowl.

4. Mix in onion, vinegar, and oil. Add salt and pepper to taste.

5. Let stand at room temperature mixing & tasting occasionally. Adjust seasoning to personal tastes. Potatoes soak up a lot of salt so you may need to add more salt & vinegar.

6. About one hour before serving, add cucumbers & tomatoes. Chill.


