Grandma Ruths Hot Tamales

Grandma Ruths Hot Tamales

1. 1. Note: 1tsp cayenne for milder tamales. Soak corn husk in water several hours before or even overnight to make them softer to work with.

2. 2. Combine all ingredients in cast iron skillet and cook until meat is done.

3. 3. Follow directions on side of bag to make the corn Masa mix.

4. 4. Lay out 1st corn husk on baking "cookie" sheet. Add masa and spread about 16th of an inch thick.

5. 5. Add 1-2 spoons of meat and roll oblong (weenie style). One end open, the other end folded.

6. 6. Tie the made tamales in bundles of six with 2 lengths of twine cut about 1 foot long.

7. 7. Place all bundles of tamales open end up steam basket pot and cover pot with lid.

8. 8. Steam tamales for 2 hours.

9. 9. Can be frozen or canned. I vacuum seal mine in the bundles of six, freeze and take out as needed. You can Re-heat by steaming, microwaving, or on cookie baking sheet in oven.

10. Yields: approximately 6 dozen.


