Grandma West Cream Fruitcake

Grandma West Cream Fruitcake

1. Cream well sugar, Crisco and eggs.

2. Mix together cloves, almond extract and cinnamon; add to creamed mixture. Add soda to whipping cream, mix real well. Don't leave any lumps.

3. (Important to add soda to whipping cream, fresh whipping cream makes the cake taste much better.) Add whipping cream to creamed mixture. Mix well by hand with spoon.

4. Add 2 cups flour to creamed mixture. Mix well. Mix by hand, mixture too thick to use mixer.

5. Add mixed fruit; mix well. Add nut meats; mix well.

6. Bake in 3 small bread pans (I use disposable pans) greased, lined with wax paper (let paper edges hang out of pan), and then grease wax paper.

7. Pour cake mixture in and bake at 300 degrees for 70 minutes or until toothpick inserted comes out clean.

8. Cool, wrap in aluminum foil and freeze until ready to use.


