Great Breast Of Duck

Great Breast Of Duck

1. Preheat oven to 350°F

2. Peel the orange and seperate the slices. Deseed the pommegranate.

3. Every inch or so on the skin side of the breast, make a slice through the skin, just until you reach the meat, be careful not to slice all the way through.

4. Cook the duck breast skin side down over medium high heat in 2 TB oil until the skin is golden brown, about 10 minutes, be careful not to burn it. Flip it over and cook for only one minute. Remove from pan, drizzle the syrup on the meat side and put in the oven, skin side down. Cook it in the oven for 15 more minutes.

5. Meahwhile, drain all except 1 TB fat from the pan. Thinly slice the red onion, and garlic, and sautee in the left over fat until soft, but not browned.

6. Add the fond, or broth, and the orange juice. Thicken with corn starch dissolved in a little bit of cold water.

7. Add the orange slices and pommegranate seeds. Turn down heat and keep it warm, do not boil!

8. Add the port wine, coconut milk, and the salt and pepper, and cayenne to taste. Slice the duck breast and pour the sauce over it to serve.


