Greek Black Eyed Peas And Greens

Greek Black Eyed Peas And Greens

1. If using canned diced tomatoes make it undrained.

2. Using uncooked black eyed peas. Sort and wash peas. Place peas in a large saucepan and cover with water to 2 inches above peas.

3. You are going to do a modified quick soak of sorts. Bring to a boil then drain. Return peas to pan and cover again with water to 2 inches above peas. Bring to a boil but this time reduce heat to medium and cook 30 minutes or just until tender. Drain.

4. Saute the onion, celery, and garlic in the olive over med high heat. Note you can omit the oil completely if you want to save on fat. Use broth or water or juice instead. Cok 6 minutes or until tender, stirring occasionally. IF using liquid instead of oil it will require more attention and stirring.

5. Stir in the chard, spinach, arugula, salt, pepper, and tomatoes. If using liquid add more if needed. Cover and cook 20 minutes or until tender, stirring occasionally. Stir in peas; cover and cook 15 minutes.

6. Stir in cheese; cook 5 minutes or until cheese melts if you are using it. Stir occasionally.

7. 1 cup serving size.

8. Note Vegan, omit the cheese or sub a vegan [non dairy no animal rennet] cheese in place.


