Greek Eggs Benedict-Open Faced Egg Sandwich

Greek Eggs Benedict-Open Faced Egg Sandwich

1. Halve your english muffins so there are four slices.

2. Break up the 2 deli slices cheddar cheese and divide them among the four slices.

3. Broil the english muffins with cheese until cheese is melted and the top of the bread is slightly brown, remove when done.

4. In the meantime, cook eggs over easy so the whites are cooked, but the yolks are still runny.

5. Place the over easy eggs on the english muffins with cheese, add a turn or two of freshly ground black pepper and feta cheese to taste.

6. Serve with fork and knife. The runny eggs serve as kind of a sauce and the pepper and feta add a nice flavor to this quick breakfast.


