Greek Meat Pie (Kreatopita)

Greek Meat Pie (Kreatopita)

1. Filling: Place sliced onion in a colander. Pour salted boiled water over them, rinse and drain well.

2. Add onions to a coated pan and fry for 2 minutes.

3. Add beef, cinnamon, salt and pepper and stir well.

4. Add 1/2 cup of water and boil until just the mixture is left.

5. Transfer mixture to a mixing bowl and cool.

6. Prepare béchamel Sauce by melting butter in small pan whisk in flour and add hot milk. Whisk.

7. Add 3 eggs, cheese, bread and béchamel sauce to the filling and set aside.

8. Pastry: Combine the pastry ingredients, except for the egg yolk/milk, in a mixing bowl.

9. Knead it into a pliable, non-sticky dough.

10. Separate the dough into 2 balls, one slightly larger than the other.

11. Take the larger ball and roll out enough to more than cover your oven dish. Place it in a buttered pie pan, covering the bottom, and sides, going slightly over the edge at the top.

12. Now place the filling on top of the crust and level it.

13. Roll out the second dough ball and cover the filling.

14. Butter the edge of the bottom crust and fold it over inwards to cover the edge of the top crust and make a border by pressing the edges with your fingertips.

15. Mix the milk and egg yolk and brush the surface with the mixture.

16. Poke a hole in the middle to allow the steam to escape and stick the rest of the pastry with a fork.

17. Place in a preheated oven at 325F degrees for about 45 minutes, until it is golden brown.


