Greek Orange Spoon Sweet (Gliko Koutaliou Portokali)

Greek Orange Spoon Sweet (Gliko Koutaliou Portokali)

1. Wash the oranges and thinly slice off the top and bottom.

2. Put them in a pan with enough water to cover them and boil for 1 hour.

3. Let them cool and then weigh them. Weigh out as much sugar.

4. Cut in half horizontally and then cut the halves in half vertically.

5. Cut the quarters into thin slices – 1/2" approximately.

6. Empty the water from the pan and put the oranges in the pan.

7. Add the sugar.

8. Bring to a boil and simmer until it becomes a syrup – not too thick. This should be about 30 minutes.

9. Put the hot sweet into hot sterilized jars and keep on counter until cooled. Store in refrigerator.


