Greek Pork Pitas

Greek Pork Pitas

1. Chop pork up into very small bite sized pieces and marinate in the Caesar dressing with the chopped garlic. You can use more Caesar if needed, it isn't going to go in the pita, just to cook the pork. Marinate anywhere from an hour to until dinner time.

2. Cook the pork however you want- I bake it at 350 for about 20 minutes or so, in the Caesar dressing still, to keep it moist. I would imagine you could broil it, sauté it; I have crock-potted it, but it wasn't as flavorful.

3. Toast your pita, first having cut it in half for filling. A hint- i find that the pita doesn't crack and break as badly during filling if you toast it with foil balls inside it to help make the opening stay.

4. Strain the pork out of the Caesar dressing and mix with all the other ingredients in a bowl, adding a bit of the cooked Caesar if you like it a bit more moist.

5. Fill your pita and enjoy!

6. ** Its great served with fresh fruit.**.


