Greek Quesadillas

Greek Quesadillas

1. Cook onion in the olive oil in a large skillet until tender, 5-6 minutes.

2. Add the garlic and heat until fragrant.

3. Add the spinach and cook several minutes until the spinach starts to wilt.

4. Drain the spinach on paper towels and allow to cool while preparing recipe.

5. Mix feta cheese with cream cheese, ricotta, lemon juice, ground cumin, salt and pepper until smooth.

6. Add the spinach to mixture, and stir to combine.

7. Spoon 1/4 of mixture onto one side of a tortilla, leaving the other side bare.

8. Do the same with the others.

9. Heat 1-2 tsp butter in a large clean skillet and place tortilla in it, and when tortilla starts to warm, flip the bare side over onto the filled side using a spatula.

10. When underside begins to turn golden, flip quesadilla, and brown the other side.

11. Repeat with remaining tortillas, keeping finished quesadillas warm while you cook.

12. You may cut the quesadillas into wedges if desired.

13. Garnish with salsa if you wish.


