Greek Thiples

Greek Thiples

1. Beat eggs until very light. Beat in the 2 cups flour and salt. Work in the 1/2 cup of flour and a little more if needed. Dough should be soft and does not stick to your fingers. Turn dough onto a board and spread lightly with butter, working in butter with hands a little at a time. Knead dough until it is smooth and soft.

2. Cut dough into 4 parts. Roll one part on a floured board until paper thin, keeping remaining dough covered to avoid drying, until ready to use. A ravioli machine may be used instead of rolling. Cut into 2 x 6 inch strips.

3. Drop into hot oil, 365 degrees, and using two forks turn dough over immediately and roll quickly before it becomes to crisp. Fry until very lightly browned. Drain on absorbent paper. Dilute honey with a little hot water and dribble over Thiples. Sprinkle with sinnamon and finely chopped nuts.

4. Thiples are best eaten with fingers as they break if pierced with a fork.


