Green Beans With Mustard Cream Sauce And Toasted Almonds

Green Beans With Mustard Cream Sauce And Toasted Almonds

1. Heat 2 Tbs. of butter in a large, deep skillet over medium-high heat. Add onions; saute, shaking pan occasionally, until golden brown, 5 to 7 minutes.

2. Dump onions onto a large cookie sheet. Add green beans, 3/4 cup water and a scant teaspoon salt to the unwashed skillet. Turn heat to high; cover and cook until wisps of steam escape around the lid. Set timer for 5 minutes; cook until bright green but tender.

3. Drain beans; transfer to cookie sheet with onions and spread out to cool. (Cooled vegetables can be covered loosely with plastic wrap and set aside at room temperature up to 4 hours ahead.)

4. Microwave milk, chicken broth and mustard in a 1-quart Pyrex-type measuring cup until steamy. Heat remaining 2 Tbs. of butter in the skillet. Whisk in flour, then hot milk mixture, until smooth and simmering. (Sauce can be made up to 4 hours ahead: Cover surface directly with plastic wrap, to prevent a skin from forming, and refrigerate; return to a simmer before proceeding.)

5. Add beans and onions; simmer until sauce is thick enough to cling, about 5 minutes. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Transfer to a serving bowl, sprinkle with toasted almonds and serve immediately.


