Green Chili Chicken "Encha-Lasgana"

Green Chili Chicken "Encha-Lasgana"

1. Preheat oven to 425°.

2. Preping the Chicken: Once the chicken has cooled and been shreadded place in a bowl and add the Garlic Salt to taste.

3. Making the Sauce: Put the soups in a pot on med-high heat. Stir often, once heated (it starts to bubble) add the Green Chili. Add the Chicken Broth (or Stock) in the sauce to losen it up a bit. Let it cool for 5-10 minutes.

4. Assembly: Place half cup of sauce at the bottom of your dish. Smeer with your hand or a spoon-ula to cover the bottom.

5. Place 2 whole Corn Tortillas and 2 halves on the bottom followed by chicken, cheese and sauce. Once you get to the sauce smeer it again to cover, the same way up did the bottom of you dish.

6. Repeat until you reach the desired amount of layers.

7. For the top layer put the remaining chicken,sauce and cheese and cover with foil (not required) and put in the oven.

8. Allow to rest of 15-30 minutes before cutting into it.

9. ENJOY! :).


