Grilled Banana, Peanut Butter And Honey On Toast (Diabetic)

Grilled Banana, Peanut Butter And Honey On Toast (Diabetic)

1. NOTE - to split banana three ways, peel and gently place thumb on the tip of the banana and push down through the middle of the banana, it will split into three.

2. Preheat griller/broiler to medium.

3. Cut the banana in half crossways (creating 6 pieces).

4. Place the bread slices on a baking tray, place under the griller/broiler and cook for 1 to 2 minutes or until one side is toasted.

5. Spread the peanut butter on the untoasted side of each slice.

6. Top with the banana (3 pieces per slice) and brush pieces with the honey.

7. Place back under the griller/broiler for 2 minutes or until banana is lightly browned.

8. Sprinkle with cinnamon and drizzle with extra honey if desired.

9. Serve.


