Grilled Chicken Salad

Grilled Chicken Salad

1. In small saucepan, whisk together oil, chicken stock, lemon juice, half each of the basil and oregano (or all, if using dried), the jalapeno, mustard, salt and pepper; remove 2 tbsp and set aside.

2. Place saucepan over low heat to warm vinaigrette.

3. Cut onion into 1/2 inch thick rounds.

4. Brush both sides of onion and chicken with reserved vinaigrette.

5. Place on greased grill over medium heat; cook for 6- 7 minutes per side or until chicken is no longer pink inside.

6. Cut chicken into 1/2 inch thick slices.

7. Separate onion into rings.

8. In salad bowl, toss together chicken, onion, salad greens and warm vinaigrette until coated.

9. Sprinkle with feta chees and remaining fresh basil and oregano.

10. Serve immediately.


