Grilled Mediterranean Salad Stuffed Peppers

Grilled Mediterranean Salad Stuffed Peppers

1. Stuffing -- In a large bowl, add the beans, artichokes, olives, spinach, tomatoes, onion, scallions, parsley, basil, red wine vinegar, olive oil and oregano and mix well to combine. Add the feta and toss lightly.

2. Peppers -- Cut a small thin slice off each pepper on the bottom so the pepper will sit flat, but don't cut all the way through. Stuff each pepper with the stuffing mixture and then rub or brush olive oil on the outside of the pepper.

3. Grill -- I grilled mine on medium heat, but on a cooler part of the grill (or indirect heat) so it isn't over direct flames. You don't want the peppers to burn. The pepper will take about 20-25 minutes. Note: If needed, you can place a piece of foil (large enough to accommodate the 8 peppers) on the grill, so if the peppers start to get too brown on the bottom you can transfer them to the foil and they will continue to cook but won't burn. The last 3-4 minutes, top with the Kasseri cheese. Cook until melted.

4. Serve -- Just enjoy them.

5. Note: These can also be made in the oven, but they don't have the same flavor. The smoky flavor is what makes these so good.


