Grilled Portabella Mushrooms With Mozzarella "En Carrozza

Grilled Portabella Mushrooms With Mozzarella "En Carrozza

1. Place all the vinaigrette ingredients in a food processor and blend for 30 seconds. strain and refrigerate.

2. For the pesto, Blitz all ingredients together into a coarse paste and set aside.

3. Slice each mushroom horizontally and brush with olive oil. Place on a baking tray cut side up.

4. Season the mozzarella with the oregano and dredge the pieces in flour followed by egg and then bread crumbs.

5. Cook the mushroom tops and bases in a griddle pan for 3 - 4 minutes.

6. Heat the remaining oil and fry the mozzarella slices until golden. Drain on kitchen paper.

7. Place a mushroom base on a place, add a slice of tomato and a mozzarella slab. Top with the mushroom lid and a good spoonful of pesto.

8. Drizzle some vinaigrette and pesto round the tower to serve.


