Grilled Squid With Pumpkin Seed Pesto (Africa)

Grilled Squid With Pumpkin Seed Pesto (Africa)

1. Blanche, skin and seed the tomatoes. Cut the remaining tomato flesh into a neat dice.

2. Season the squid with salt and pepper and grill on a hot griddle plate or sauté in a fiercely hot wok. Remove the squid from the heat and place in a large bowl.

3. Add one tablespoon of the pesto followed by the chopped tomato and mix together.

4. Add the rocket just before serving, toss and plate, garnishing with the rest of the pesto.

5. For the pesto: Put all the ingredients except the oil into a pestle and mortar and grind into a rough paste.You can use a food processor to make this quick. Thin the mixture out with the oil. Season the pesto with salt and pepper.


