Grilled Tenderloin Of Beef With Horseradish Sauce

Grilled Tenderloin Of Beef With Horseradish Sauce

1. Take the olive oil, fresh herbs, garlic and puree in a food processor to a paste.

2. Whisk in black pepper.

3. Coat Tenderloin on all sides, wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 48 hours.

4. Remove marinated beef 2 hours before cooking.

5. Oil your grill grid and over medium high heat sear the beef.

6. Sprinkle with salt.

7. Remove from grill and place a pan soaked with hickory chips on a lower rack or place coals around it.

8. Place Tenderloin of Beef on a rack above chips on medium heat.

9. 45 minutes to 1 hour for rare, 1 hour 30 minutes to 45 minutes for medium.

10. Horseradish Sauce: Whisk together all ingredients and chill-make the day before if you can.


