Grilled Tomato-Bell Pepper Gazpacho

Grilled Tomato-Bell Pepper Gazpacho

1. Prepare barbecue (medium-high heat).

2. Place, tomatoes, red bell pepper and onions on baking sheet.

3. Brush with 3 tablespoons oil, sprinkle with salt and pepper.

4. Brush both sides of bread with 2 tablespoons oil.

5. Grill vegetables until skins are charred, turning frequently; about 8 minutes for tomatoes, 10 minutes for onion, and 15 minutes for pepper.

6. Return to baking sheet and cover with foil.

7. Grill bread until toasted, about 1 1/2 minutes per side.

8. Cut garlic clove in half; rub over toasted sides of bread.

9. Cut bread into small cubes; reserve croutons.

10. Remove charred skins and cores from tomatoes.

11. Peel, seed and core pepper.

12. Remove charred papery peel and core from onion.

13. Set aside 1/2 of cucumber for garnish.

14. Working in two batches, add half each of tomatoes, pepper, onion and remaining cucumber to food processor and blend until coarse puree forms.

15. Transfer mixture to large bowl.

16. Repeat with remaining tomatoes, pepper and onion.

17. Using garlic press, squeeze in remaining 2 garlic cloves. Stir in remaining 3 tablespoons olive oil, 3 tablespoons vinegar, marjoram, smoked paprika, cumin and cayenne.

18. Thin soup with water or tomato juice if desired.

19. Season with salt and pepper.

20. Chill at least 2 hours.

21. Note: Croutons can be made up to 8 hours ahead. Cover and store at room temperature.

22. To serve season gazpacho to taste with more salt and more vinegar if desired. Ladle into bowls.

23. Garnish with cucumber, croutons and green onions.


