Grilled Veggie French Bread Pizza

Grilled Veggie French Bread Pizza

1. Heat up your grill. I used a George Foreman grill. If you do not have a grill, you can use a hot skillet.

2. Put your veggies in a bowl. Add olive oil, salt and pepper. Toss to coat.

3. Put veggies on hot grill until they're nice and carmelized.

4. Put your French bread in the oven until it's crispy on the outside.

5. Slice your French bread in half. Place your olives on the bread and top with Mozzarela cheese. Put under the broiler until the cheese melts.

6. Top with veggie mix.

7. Enjoy.

8. Feel free to customize by adding tomato sauce or a different mix of veggies, etc.


