Ground Chicken-Beef With Potatoes &Amp; Spinach

Ground Chicken-Beef With Potatoes &Amp; Spinach

1. Heat up the oil in a pot.

2. On medium high heat fry the onions till they release their water and begin to shrivel.

3. Then add the ginger, garlic, jalapeno, fenugreek, cumin, cumin powder, coriander powder, turmeric powder and chili powder. Slowly add about 1/4 cup of the water since the spices will pop and try to stick to the bottom. Cook and stir for approx 2-3 minutes.

4. Then add the chopped tomato, stir and cook till it softens. (Tomato is added last because if you add it before it will kill the flavor of ginger/garlic in my experience).

5. Add your choice of ground meat and potatoes with 1/4 cup more of the water, stir really well, cover and cook on medium for 15 minutes (add more water if you need to so it doesn't stick to the bottom).

6. Add the spinach, tomato paste, salt and pepper to taste. Stir well again till it coats the entire mixture.

7. Add the remaining water, cover and cook for another 5 minutes till the spinach releases any water and wilts down to a dark green.

8. When done, turn up the heat to high and dry out any water in the pot. (This step is not necessary, my family prefers it a little saucy, my husband prefers it dry, just depends on how you want it.).

9. Serve hot.


