Gugelhupf - Kuglof - Kugelhopf - German-Hungarian Coffee Cake

Gugelhupf - Kuglof - Kugelhopf - German-Hungarian Coffee Cake

1. Into a food processor, place flours, lemon rinds, 1 tablespoon of powdered sugar and butter. Process until mixture is crumbly. Set aside.

2. In small bowl, warm milk to about 115°F stir in remaining tablespoon of powdered sugar and package of yeast. Let sit until bubbly (about 10 minutes).

3. Separate 4 eggs - beat yolks and refrigerate whites, to save for filling.

4. Add yolks to the yeast mixture.

5. In large bowl place flour/butter crumbles and pour eggs/yeast over top.

6. Keeping it inside the bowl, mix and knead the dough one handed (use both hands if necessary) until smooth - IMPORTANT: dough will be very gooey and sticky- DO NOT add more flour, just work the bumps out.

7. Once dough is smooth - cover bowl tightly with plastic and refrigerate overnight (or at least 4 hours).

8. Now work on your filling:

9. Place walnuts, powdered sugar and cocoa into food processor. Chop until walnuts are finally grounded.

10. Transfer to a bowl and let sit inside refrigerator until dough is ready.

11. When dough is ready: Heavily flour your work surface. (I like to spread out a large cheese cloth on my surface and flour it.).

12. Remove dough from bowl and roll out into a large rectangle.

13. Once that is formed, remove egg whites and whip them in a bowl until stiff peaks form.

14. Fold in the grounded nut mixture.

15. Spread this filling over the dough rectangle and starting at one side, roll it up like a jelly roll. (this is when it helps to have the cheese cloth under it.).

16. Seal the finishing edge with a bit of water.

17. Now lift it carefully and place it into a well greased and floured bundt pan. (this task can be done alone, but helps if you have someone to help you lift the roll.).

18. Set pan in a cold oven to continue to rise for 2 1/2 hours or until dough is near the rim of the pan.

19. Now bake at 325°F for 1 hour and 15 minutes. If during that time the top begins to get too dark before it's ready, lay a piece of foil over the top.

20. Allow it cool, then turn out carefully.

21. Serve plain or sprinkle with powdered sugar.

22. Refrigerate uneaten portions to maintain freshness. Slices are good cold or warmed in the microwave.

23. Enjoy!


