Guinness Pork And Swiss Sandwiches

Guinness Pork And Swiss Sandwiches

1. Pork -- If the pork is already done, just slice and set to the side while you prepare the onions. It will reheat in the beer along with the onions.

2. If it isn't pre-cooked, slice the pork and season well with salt, pepper and the rosemary. Heat up 1/2 butter in a large skillet on medium high to high heat and pan saute the pork on both sides. It will continue to cook in the beer broth, so it doesn't have to be cooked all the way through. Remove the pork to a plate while you start the onions.

3. Onions -- Saute the onions on medium high heat in the remaining butter. Cook about 7-10 minutes until the onions begin to soften and get slightly brown. Then add the beer to the onions and add the pork back to the onions and beer. Cover and cook another 10 minutes until the pork and onions are tender.

4. Mayo -- As the onions and pork cook, prepare the mayo and coleslaw. Mix the mayo, barbaque sauce and rosemary and set to the side.

5. Coleslaw -- Toss the pre-shredded coleslaw mix with the cider vinegar and salt and pepper and set to the side.

6. Sandwich -- The pork should be tender and the onions soft. Now I prefer to toast my rolls, but that is personal taste. Just lightly toast under the broiler for a few seconds. They will go back under the broiler to melt the cheese, so I don't like them too brown.

7. Top each bottom roll with a little of the barbeque mayo, then a cheese slice and a slice of the pork (the warm pork will melt the cheese). Top the pork with the onions and the second slice of cheese and put under the broiler for a few minutes until melted. Remove from the oven and top the melted cheese with the coleslaw and finish with the top roll also spread with the barbeque mayo. ENJOY!


