Gurkensalat With Bacon (Cucumber Salad)

Gurkensalat With Bacon (Cucumber Salad)

1. 1. Cook bacon while slicing the cucumbers and onions into thin slices. Drain bacon, and set aside. Combine cucumbers with the onions in a large bowl. Toss while sprinkling with sea salt. Let sit at room temperature for 30 minutes to rest. While resting, prepare dressing.

2. 2. In another bowl, combine sugar, lemon juice, apple-cider vinegar and canola oil (or olive oil) to make dressing . Mix well.

3. 3. Drain off any liquid that may have come off cucumbers and onions while resting. Add the dill and dressing to the cucumbers and onions, and toss gently. Let the salad rest at room temperature for about an hour to absorb flavors. You may chill if using canola oil (Olive oil does not chill well).

4. 4. Before serving, toss, again, gently, and sprinkle with cooked, crumbled bacon.


