Hackbraten (German Meatloaf)

Hackbraten (German Meatloaf)

1. Preheat oven to 375°F.

2. Grease or spray baking dish that will hold your loaf with room around the edges for veggies.

3. In large bowl, gently mix Ground Meat and Breadcrumbs until combined.

4. Peel and dice on 1 Onion , heat 1 Tbsp of Butter in hot skillet, add diced Onion and Parsley , sauté until Onion is golden brown.

5. Beat Eggs in large shallow container; add Salt, Pepper, Rosemary and Nutmeg to Egg and mix. Pour Onion/Parsley mixture and Egg mixture over Ground Meat, knead together until uniformly mixed.

6. Mold meat mixture into loaf; roll in Flour until coated on all sides.

7. Lay Bacon slices in the middle of small casserole dish, set floured Loaf on top of Bacon.

8. Peel and slice Carrot and second Onion, pour Broth into casserole dish; scatter sliced Carrot and Onion around Meatloaf.

9. Heat 4 Tbsp Butter in warm skillet.

10. Pour hot Butter over meatloaf and place dish in preheated oven.

11. Bake 1 hour (or until cooked through (at least 160 degrees - no pink should be left), basting often With 5-10 minutes cook time remaining, spread Sour Cream over Meatloaf.

12. Remove dish from oven, move meatloaf to serving dish.

13. Stir Flour or Cornstarch into the juice remaining in pan to make sauce, return to oven to thicken or transfer mixture to a pot which can go on your stove top.

14. Slice and serve while hot.


