Healthy Beef Tacos

Healthy Beef Tacos

1. Cook ground beef on med low in cast iron pan, add chopped onions and garlic and stir.

2. Stir in sea salt and black pepper and let cook through.

3. Add green pepper sliced thinly.

4. Stir in the rest of the seasoning, then add 1 tbsp of broth or water and simmer for 10 minutes on low.

5. Use a non stick frying pan turn on to medium heat. place tortilla (I use frozen brown rice wraps) and let warm up for about 30-60 seconds, flip over and quickly sprinkle about a tbsp shredded cheese and then spoon ground beef mixture on top. Fold wrap in half and press down with spatula for a second, then remove from pan. Top with 1 tbsp plain yogurt(I use greek), salsa (I use organic), two small slices of avocado, and cilantro.

6. You can also substitute beef for ground chicken or turkey.


