Healthy Lasagna - No Kidding!

Healthy Lasagna - No Kidding!

1. Boil pasta& drain.

2. Prepare Cheese mixture by mixing cottage cheese with egg beater and wire wisk until smooth.

3. Chop all vegetables into bite sized pieces.

4. Sautee chopped veggies with Garlic Flavored Pam, fresh garlic, and desired Italian spices.

5. Add Soy Crumble to sautee mix.

6. cook until browned.

7. Put a small amount of sauce to coat bottom of baking pan.

8. Add a layer of pasta.

9. Add a layer of the veggie mixture.

10. Add a layer of cottage cheese mixture.

11. Sprinkle some soy cheese mixture.

12. some sauce.

13. Add a top layer of pasta.

14. Add Sauce.

15. Sprinkle remaining soy cheddar and Mozarella on top.

16. Bake in oven at 350 for 30 minutes.

17. WOW!

18. This tasted so terrific; My boyfriend had it and I didn't tell him what it was.

19. He said it was the best tasting lasagna he has ever had.


