Heavenly Pavlova

Heavenly Pavlova

1. Preheat oven to 225'F.

2. Fold foil over a cookie sheet, shiny side up.

3. Add salt to egg whites. Beat egg whites until stiff.

4. Gradually beat in 1 cup of super fine sugar but ONLY 1 tbsp at a time. It should be glossy and stand in stiff peaks.

5. Fold in the remaining super fine sugar, 1/2 cup, as quickly as possible.

6. Fold in vinegar and then the vanilla extract.

7. Use spatula to plop mixture into an 8 - 9 inch circle. Make a depression in the centre of the Pavlova.

8. Bake 1 1/2 - 2 hours, normally closer to 2 hours. The Pavlova changes a little in colour (light tan) when it is finished.

9. Remove from oven. Only cool the Pavlova until you can handle it.

10. Gently flip the Pavlova into one hand. Peel the foil off the bottom of the Pavlova. Gently flip onto a serving plate. Let Pavlova completely cool on the plate.


12. Beat heavy whipping cream in a cold bowl. When the cream starts to get thick add icing sugar and vanilla extract. Peaks should form, soft or stiff peaks is a personal preference.

13. Top COOLED Pavlova with whipped cream, and preferably as close to serving as possible.

14. Decorate with the fruit of your choice. Here are some combinations we use.

15. 1 punnet (pint) strawberries, washed, hulled & sliced and 2 kiwi fruits, peeled and sliced.

16. Or, 2 passionfruit pulps, halved & pulp scooped out, and 3 kiwi fruits, peeled & sliced.

17. Or a 14 oz can peaches sliced, & juice drained.

18. Or 2 passionfruit pulps, halved & pulp scooped out and one 14 oz can peaches sliced, & juice drained.


